Cover Your SaaS

A course for SaaS VPs, directors, managers, and teams to better learn SaaS Financials. This is a course built to help you get that next promotion.

What's included:

  • 3 Sections, 22 Lessons
  • 94 slides of content
  • 5-10 minute video lessons
  • Go at your own pace

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    "Great managers are the reason most companies succeed"

    Kieran Flanagan
    CMO, Zapier

    Marketing Against The Grain Podcast

    According to Harvard Business Review, 48% of leaders don't understand their company's business model.

    Don't be a statistic.

    #CoverYourSaaS gives you an executive understanding of business finance.

    You'll feel confident speaking about business metrics and interacting with senior leadership.

    It will help you understand the nuances of the subscription business model.

    Walk away understanding how you and your team impact the business.

    You're part of the next wave of great SaaS Leaders.

    Fill the seat with confidence.


    David Karp, Chief Customer Officer
    📣 "It's taken me many different companies, Board meeting prep sessions, MBA courses, mentors, etc. to learn what I know. This course puts it all in a concise and focused way that supercharges someones ability to gain that knowledge."
    Sarah Betts, Director of Support
    📣 "Last night I spent about 2 hours binge watching a course on SaaS finance essentials for leaders. There's a sentence I never thought I'd write!"
    Noah Chandler, Managing Director
    📣 "Long time listener, first time caller… I’m ½ way through section 2 and finding it invaluable. It’s already helped tempered my imposter syndrome when speaking with my CRO/CFO!"
    Bob London, Consultant
    📣 "This is the course I wish I had taken 10 or 15 years ago. It really helps you understand how to get out of your silo and understand THE BUSINESS."

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